Sunday, June 15, 2014

Father's Day......


Mr. Ed said...

Sunday! Just one more day of work & we're back into the 9 to 5 Monday through Friday rat-race. But, all is well with the world.... I think so anyway! Please, leave me in my delusional little bubble if it's not!

Oh, by the way.... Do something nice for that guy in your life today. And, have a happy Sunday!

Mr. Ed said...

I had a laid back Fathers Day today... but not being a dad, what should I have expected. A couple of my girls brought their new babies in for me to see but other than that it was just another day. I got my large mower attached to my tractor & ready to go to work when I need it and dodged a couple of rain showers doing it. I took my new wheels out when I went to breakfast. I like its performance and the way it handles.... not as much as my Mustang but fun to drive!

Big plans for a dinner get together with friends here at mi casa in a little while so I'll be the one with the bartender apron on making Margaritas....Ole Actually, we're just having drinks here and then going out to dinner. What? You expected ME to cook?????? Get real!