Wednesday, June 18, 2014

One Angry Little Cloud

Smoke Monster from Lost?



Mr. Ed said...

Holy Merde!! Hump Day already! Have a great one.

Today's cover shot: Just a very ominous looking little cloud seen just before the thunderstorm that spawned yesterday's "twisty bit". I love weather for camera work. Eaach shot is just a slim slice in time and then it's gone.

Mr. Ed said...

Mariposa - So, how's B.I.L. doing?

mariposa said...

Mr. Ed brother-in-law is out of the hospital. We are still waiting to hear about the car. With any luck they can go back home next week.

Mr. Ed said...

Mariposa - I was beginning to wonder if you were okay. I hadn't heard from you in a couple of days...

mariposa said...

Hot and muggy weather takes everything out of me. I come home collapse get up the next morning and try again.

Mr. Ed said...

Lovely Midwest summertime sauna. Does it cool enough at night for comfortable sleeping? That would be my NUMBER ONE need!

mariposa said...


Mr. Ed said...

Mariposa - Ah! The miracle of Westinghouse!

Are Sis and B.I.L. house guests?

mariposa said...

Not with me. They are staying with my other sister.