Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Oregon Coast

Otter Crest


Mr. Ed said...

Today's cover shot: Just a summer day on the beautiful Oregon coast..............

HUMP DAY!!! Have a GREAT Wednesday!

Mr. Ed said...

Carol - ♫ ding - You've got mail.....

carol said...

Mr. Ed.... thanks again for the helpful info :)

Wish the coast looked like that when we go there. Today might be a good one to do just that.

Mr. Ed said...

Carol - With the coast it can go either way. When it's hot inland there's a very good chance at least part of the day on the coast may be cloudy. You just have to be there to catch what you can....

Re: flower help.... let's hope they survive. They're pretty tough but they won't survive if the ground doesn't have drainage. The only other thing to be careful about is being too rough with the corms... any bruising to the pointed end and they won't sprout.

Mr. Ed said...

Carol - You can transplant them right now if you don't split them. I sent you a follow up email.

carol said...

Thanks, I got the email and it sounds more like what I want.
I really appreciate all your help!
Nice to have a gardening wizard on hand, LOL.

Mr. Ed said...

Carol - Gardening wizard????????? LOL!!!!! I've KILLED a lot of good plants in my life. The only thing I consider myself to be even semi-knowledgeable on is coniferous trees. And, my technique there is simple: If it dies, replant it! BUT... I have a very knowledgeable Master Gardner friend and I hate it when she yells at me for making a mistake. AND YES.... she YELLS!!! I don't know how many times she has asked me(in her outside 'loud and yelling' voice) "HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU SOMETHING??? Don't you listen?" Of course, that's not a question I ever want to answer.... that only makes it worse. As I remember it, it's pretty much like being married. But, we're just friends. She just likes my trees....

carol said...

Mr.Ed- LOL...your gardener friend will keep you single! She will leave after ripping you a new one and you can have your peace and quiet once again, not like when you're married, then she would just follow you in the house and continue the 'disCUSSion".

Joe dug the holes for the Crocosmia plants and in they went. So beautiful!!!

Mr. Ed said...

Carol - We're the perfect couple! She's the perfect wingman... er... winggirl.... ummmmm.... winglady... whatever! And, she only dates girls. But, come to think of it, I only like girls. It's a good thing we don't have like tastes in the women we like.

carol said...

Mr.Ed, LOL - My hubby tells people he is a lesbian, he likes women :)

Mr. Ed said...

Carol - I also make that claim... But, I only date ladies who are not.