Thursday, September 18, 2014

Smoky Morning


Mr. Ed said...

Today's cover shot: Yesterday's sunrise that greeted the day due to the 36 Pit fire. That fire is now listed as 4000 acres & is roughly 30% contained.

THIT!!! Thurthday! Will the fun NEVER end? Evacuation is not an option for me so I have four crews reinforcing firelines today. They already were pretty good but this effort is simply removing any burnable fuel adjacent to the lines. Just a little extra insurance...

Have yourself a BODACIOUS Thursday..... the weekend's right around that next corner!

Think RAIN!!!!!!!

mariposa said...

Rain Rain Rain. I'd try a rain dance but the last time I did that it was disastrous.

Mr. Ed said...

Mariposa - It looks like there's virtually no chance we'll get any rain at least anytime soon. Our humidity is really up there but it's just not enough to provide more than a few sprinkles but that won't get the job done. We might possibly get a thunderstorm out of it but that's a two edged sword. Oh well, it is what it is & we'll just have to play the cards we're dealt! The fire is ten miles away and not going anywhere... at least for now. I'm not under any threat and, for a change, they've actually got enough people and equipment working on the fire! As long as nothing changes weather-wise, it's looking pretty good.

carol said...

It's been raining since I got up at 6:00 this morning. It's still misting. Sure a welcome sight.
Hope it helps with the fire(s).

Mr. Ed said...

Carol - Send that rain this way. Please!!!!!! It's still drier than a dinosaur bone out here!!!!! It's mostly just smoky!

carol said...

Mr. Ed, I'd try, but there is not a breath of wind here so I don't know how I'm going to get the wet to you!

Mr. Ed said...

Carol - Right after I wrote that I went out to feed the crows and discovered that it was 'misting' here too. Thank you. Ummmmmmmm.... if you have time can you possibly work on the 'rain' stuff????? Right now it's just mostly smoky.

mariposa said...

Rain. Rain. Rain. It's the best I can do.

carol said...

Send rain to Mr Ed
Send rain to Mr Ed
Send rain to Mr Ed

there, hope that will help some. ;)

mariposa said...


Mr. Ed said...

I've been out with the crews working on my fire lines. Their work probably isn't needed but it makes me feel better to be doing something. Plus, I don't want them screwing up and accidentally starting another fire.

The fire crews on the 36 Pit fire are now doing a back-burn in a large area they've gotten a fire line around today. The object is to take away fuel from the main fire by opening up a large already burned section. They are estimating the main fire is about 30% contained. Fire size is slightly over 4100 acres still... cooler temps and humid air... with some mist... has helped to slow the fire. The weather forecast for tomorrow looks more like we could actually see some rain... here's hoping. This is the first time they've actually had some degree of control on this thing.

Sorry if I'm boring you with this stuff but...............

mariposa said...

Mr. Ed. You are not boring at all. The only wild fires I'm hearing about are the ones in California. I'm very glad to hear there is some containment to the fire. I'm as still sending thoughts of rain your way.

Mr. Ed said...

Mariposa - Thank you! This fire is still 10 miles away and I'm still safe. What they're doing the back burn on right now actually is the first real protection between me and the fire. It just puts a giant area in front of it with no fuel to burn.