Sunday, November 02, 2014

5-85-Americana 9CR


Mr. Ed said...

Have a Happy Sunday and don't forget to set the clock back an hour.... Grrrrrrrrrrrrr..... !!!Grumble............!!!

carol said...

Love Maxine....and she's right, why the hell ARE we STILL doing this??
It really doesn't do anything except confuse our sleep patterns.
I'm with Arizona on this one.

mariposa said...

Had a good freeze last night. I guess that means fall has officially started here.

I saw part of the Ohio State game yesterday but as usual I couldn't stay awake for the entire game.

Mr. Ed said...

Carol - Don't get me started on the "why" ........

mariposa said...

I'm trying out my new phone. I think it may be smarter than me.

Mr. Ed said...

I hate when that happens so I just have a "stupid" phone. It doesn't do any tricks & can't take or show pictures. It mostly just sits in my pocket or glove compartment until I decide to turn it on to use it. I'm just a GEEZER with the attitude that the world will not end if I miss a phone call. The world can wait!!!