Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Come into my parlor...........


Mr. Ed said...

Today's cover shot: One last chance for a big meal before winter....

mariposa said...

13 this morning. Wish I could stay home.

Mr. Ed said...

Mariposa - We're a little warmer... 21ยบ but at least it's clear & dry. Is your new building warmer or are open doors still a problem?

carol said...

Mr Ed, not sure I can answer all your questions about the "robot box" as I don't quite understand some of what you asked. Sorry, I'm really dense when it comes to "computerspeak". I am using Firefox. As to signing out, I don't know what that means. when I am done for the day, I click the X to close any window I have open. I have never seen any place where it says "sign out". Again, sorry for my ignorance.

mariposa said...

Much warmer here. The wind may howl but this building is not made of Swiss cheese. I even have heat all ready not sure how that happened.

carol said...

Mariposa, so glad you're not freezing your you know what off. Sounds so much better for you than last year.

carol said...

Mr. Ed - that "robot" box is gone.

Mr. Ed said...

Carol - Your answers were fine. It tells me that you don't have to sign in each time and that Google should be retaining your ID. Firefox is good. There have been a lot of compatibility problems with Internet Explorer 10. Unfortunately, I still don't have a clue why you have the problem when it doesn't seem to show up for Mariposa or me. That would seem to indicate something in your computer setup that's causing it. Ask Joe if it could it be your cookie control is set too tight. Is your computer set to delete ALL cookies on closing? It's gotta be something. Just tryin' to help but I'm stumped!

carol said...

Mr. Ed, thanks for all your suggestions, I'll check with Joe. He just recently cleaned out some stuff on my laptop and said some things would require me signing in again so maybe that is why I got that goofy robot box again. It went away after I used it to make my first comment. I still don't see it, so I'm a happy camper.

carol said...

Oh, I just saw the place where it says "sign out"....I've never used that.

Mr. Ed said...

Carol - Yeah! There's no reason for you to sign out but I was just looking at all straws.