Thursday, May 28, 2015

Ten kids, no pets!


Mr. Ed said...

Well THIT!!! Today's cover shot makes Octomom look like an amateur.

Can you smell it? The weekend's just around the corner. Such a pleasant scent..... kinda like a peony but sweeter............

Mr. Ed said...

It's an absolutely unbelievable day here in the swamp today. Temp right at 80ยบ & nothing but an occasional puffy white cloud. If it was any better I'd think I was someplace that featured fruit punch drinks laced with rum! The weather looked perfect so I took the BelAire out for a run for lunch. It just seemed like a great way to remove a lot of years from this tired body and it worked! For that three hour run I felt like a teenager. I'm going to have to work out a way for this experience without having to worry about zits.

mariposa said...

Got home tonight put the feet up and the next thing I knew there was a loud bang and the power went out. Looked up and saw a dead squirrel on the transformer.