Friday, July 31, 2015

Blue Moon lighting the path.........


Mr. Ed said...

TGIF! It's here! Enjoy it before it turns into that dreaded Monday again.

Today's cover shot: Is there anything more romantic than a full moon and a moonlit path? This full moon is special because it's the second one during the month of July.... making it a Blue Moon.

Mr. Ed said...

Bad day here on the homestead. One of my outside stray cats was diagnosed with Feline Leukemia and had to be put down. It's too bad because AK was coming around nicely and was starting to trust me but I couldn't just turn him loose to spread the disease. It was discovered in a routine vet visit for planned neutering and shots. That makes it difficult for the other outsiders that I haven't been able to capture and get to the vet since they could have been exposed. The main body of the outside herd has all had their shots and should be okay but there are a couple of them that have received no shots because I can't catch them. It's always somethin'! My inside four are fully up to date on their shots and never mix with the outsiders so there's no threat of exposure there. Nothing like a "fun Friday" to get your blood pressure up! But, I've got a date for dinner so maybe I can decompress from all this and the day will end on an positive note. ☺

mariposa said...

So sorry about the kitty. It's never easy to lose a critter.