Friday, September 30, 2016

Beautifully ugly............


mariposa said...

T.G.I.F. Going into work early so I can catch up. Leaving early some days just works against me.

Mr. Ed said...

Good look with the catch up. I prefer the kind that goes great with fries or hot dogs on a day when you can just kick back and let it go.

Still fighting this drug reaction.... found out yesterday it will be with me for almost three weeks as it slowly tapers off to nothing. You'd think drug companies would be required to have antidotes for their screw-ups!!! The drug I'm having the problem with has a half-life of 89 hours and that means it loses half of its remaining strength every 89 hours.... roughly three weeks for it to be completely gone. Today it's down to about ¼ strength and it's still causing major BP problems. Doubling up on my normal meds is barely counteracting it but so far that's working so I'll keep my fingers crossed that it doesn't develop some new twist. DAMN DOCTORS!!!!!!!!!!!