Tuesday, September 27, 2016



mariposa said...

AHHHH cooler temps fall is peeking around the corner.

Mr. Ed said...

Had a little medical crisis today & it kinda proved my Cardio quacks might have been right making me give up Mermaid. I've had a slightly infected sinus that my doctor prescribed a new antibiotic for. Long story short: One of my B.P. meds didn't like the new antibiotic and decided to pitch a hissy fit that put me in the E.R. It took them three hours to get my BP stabilized within acceptable limits. With my medical history I don't think I'd have survived if I'd been out in the Carribe. It's always somethin'!!! Don't these damn doctors ever bother to read the info for the drugs they peddle????? I guess it just shows why more people die in hospitals than any other place.

Memo to doctors: I don't want your new all-powerful whizz-bang medication. Give me the old-fashioned stuff that has a verifiable history showing it hasn't killed anybody lately!!!

mariposa said...

I agree on the tried and true, but if you don't use the new fangled stuff how will the drug companies become filthy rich?