Tuesday, March 07, 2017

Troubled March skies


mariposa said...

Made it through Monday. Can't wait to see what today brings. I'm sure more insanity at work. Maybe it's time for a vacation.

Mr. Ed said...

As I see it......... The problem with a vacation is that you have to come back from I. Then you have to unpack and so it begins all over..............

Mr. Ed said...


mariposa said...

Sooo cute.

Friday was a day the powers that be decided that I and my office buddy needed to move to a smaller office. Not a real problem, I don't care how big the space is as long as I can get my work done. The move went fine until it was time to hook up my computer, that's when I found out I only had one data line in here and I need two. Yesterday the IT guy went through two splitters and I still din't have my printer. Splitter #3 is on now and seems to be holding up.

Mr. Ed said...

You're not connected wireless? How archaic!

Mr. Ed said...

I detest zoos.

mariposa said...

I work in one

mariposa said...

and none of ther animals are caged

Mr. Ed said...

St times it sounds like they should be... caged that is.

mariposa said...

I'm not sure if we should start at the top or the bottom of the company with the caging.