Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Enjoy the season.............


mariposa said...

An extra long weekend for me. Hubby has cataract surgery today.

Mr. Ed said...

Good luck to hubby. Are they replacing the lens also?

mariposa said...

Seems like he sort of misunderstood. They were doing a pre-check. He could not drive afterward anyway so I still needed to take him. They will call in about a week to schedule.

He thinks he will pay the extra for the lenses so he won't need glasses.

Mr. Ed said...

That's the smart way to go! Just be sure the lenses match.

mariposa said...

I hate the first couple of weeks after our purchasing person returns from her annual buying spree. She said she spent $300,000 of company money. That means I'm going to be real busy for a while, not to mention completely wore out.

Mr. Ed said...

It's those new products that keep the market fresh, Good luck keeping up with it.

mariposa said...

Hubby and I had a date night last night. The local music venue hosted Lynard Skynyrd. We had a great time. It took a while for my hearing to return, and everyone wonders why I wear earplugs when I'm out with the band.