Monday, June 19, 2017

Posies in the rain............


Mr. Ed said...

Monday,Monday!!!! It's Rose Festival time here in Puddle City so naturally it's also the Monsoon season as well. For some reason my peonies are running late this year. If they're waiting for me to get back up to speed they've got a little longer to wait I'm afraid.

mariposa said...

Happy Monday, back to work one more time. Gee only about six more years and I can retire. If I make it that long.

Take your time getting back up to speed. You are not a cat you know, but I think you've used up a couple of extra lives.

I don't think those are peonies...

Mr. Ed said...

You're probably right about the flowers.

Mr. Ed said...

You're right about the bouncing back. I've had two minor orthoscopic type surgeries on the pericardium to sew up minor tears.