Thursday, September 04, 2014

Oregon Coast Neskowin

Proposal Rock


Mr. Ed said...

Well THIT!!! Make this day a good'n! it's the only Thursday we've got this week.... THANK HEAVENS!!!

Today's cover shot... an interesting rock formation at Neskowin on the Oregon Coast.

Carol - If you want a perfect weekend on the coast, this one might be the one you're looking for. It's going to be warm inland with an off-shore airflow so it should be warm on the coast as well. Those Gorge winds from the east or northeast are the ones you want for GREAT coast weather. Good luck if you decide to go!

carol said...

I just heard the weather report for the coast...You are right!! They say sunny and warm, close to 80 which is rare for the coast. We just might go, I'll have to run it up the ol' flagpole. :)

Mr. Ed said...

Carol - It should be perfect for a good bike ride without too much traffic since the big tourist draw was last weekend... Labor Day! ☺

carol said...

Mr.Ed, we don't ride our bikes at the beach anymore....too dangerous on 101 and there are no 'bike paths' of any length. The residents of the coastal towns are not known for their exercise habits.

Joe is too busy to be able to take the time right now.
We always ride our bikes in the mornings so that leaves our afternoons free if we want to go anywhere. (if Joe has the time).

Mr. Ed said...

Carol - That's too sad!

Mr. Ed said...

Carol - Continuing my 7:14 - That's the reason I parked my motorcycle several years ago. It was just too dangerous in Washington County to risk riding. Out here in the boonies it would be fine but there are still lunatics who refuse to give you an inch. I've seen bikes put in the ditch by a 'bubba' in a high lift Tonka Truck. When I quit riding it was because I had to lay my Kawasaki down to avoid a dip-chit with an attitude. That repair was over $5K & I wasn't even scratched. So, when I got it fixed I sold it and my Yamaha & hung up the helmet. I haven't been on a 'powered or unpowered' bike since.