Saturday, July 04, 2015

Happy Fourth


Mr. Ed said...

Have a bodacious Fourth! I'd set off some fireworks but it's so dry here in this end of the swamp that it would probably start another forest fire.... just what we don't need. I have no plans for the day & actually turned down three invites to BBQs... I just didn't feel like socializing with somebody else's family and friends. So, I'm not doing the local rodeos or any of the fireworks displays. I have never felt such a need to just be away from people for awhile. Maybe it's the heat getting to me.... yeah, we'll blame that!

mariposa said...

People around here were shooting off fireworks last night. Daughters poor dog was going nuts because of the noise. It's illegal to set them off in Ohio but no one pays any attention to the law. Bad thing is this will go on for most of the week.

Mr. Ed said...

I think they are illegal almost everywhere but that doesn't seem to stop anyone. Out here, the only place you can buy stuff that flies through the air or goes "boom" is from businesses located on Indian Tribal lands and it's federally protected. So, the Bubbas make the trip, load up, and smuggle it back home. The stuff that is legal is just too boring for them. I have one neighbor that never spends less than $2000 a year on illegal fireworks. He's gotten busted a couple of times but just pays the fine and does it again.

mariposa said...

They don't seem to bust anyone around here.

Mr. Ed said...

They go for the flagrant ones here due to the fire danger.