Friday, April 18, 2014

After the Blood Moon...........


Mr. Ed said...

TGIF!!!! We've waited for it! We've been patient! We've earned what lies beyond...........

Today's cover shot... The full moon one day after the eclipse. Finally the clouds cooperate.

Mr. Ed said...

Internet has been down for about three hours... anything happen while I was gone? Hmmmmmm... apparently not. It gets really lonely out here in the boonies... and very dark.... when the internet dies in the middle of the night. Had to go through & reset the wireless routers & blah, blah, blah! The bad part.... and it always seems to happen.... is that it always seems to go down in the middle of the night when you can't even call someone to FIX it! Damn rackenfrantzen COMPUTERS!!!!! If I believed in the devil I'd think he invented them just to torment us! I'm tired! I've been awake way too long I think.

mariposa said...

Another sunny day at my end of the swamp. Freddy is on the truck😄. I'm hoping it stays quiet here. Seven more hours to go.

Mr. Ed said...

It's a BEE-YOO-TEE-FUL day here in the tadpole pond.... Blue skies, sunshine, no rain... oops... where am I.......??? Oh yeah! It's Friday... brunch time... I'm hungry. I have such basic needs.... eat, sleep, repeat.

mariposa said...

I found the weekend!!!

What to do, what to do.